It's a party in the USA!

Spending my 3rd year of uni abroad in America at Ohio State University. This is just a little memoir of what I've been getting upto for those that are interested. Will try to keep it going but we will see after a month or so how that goes! Missing Edinburgh and everyone in it xxx

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Sniffing pots...

So I did my individual presentation today that had to be on our Career Strategy of where we see ourselves in 5 years and do a SWOT analysis of ourselves, etc, etc so was pretty personal stuff which made me even more nervous to speak to a class of about 40 students since I don't really like talking about myself...
But it went fine in the end, felt like my voice was all croaky though haha! Will find out how I did on thurs :)
I had a meeting with my group for doing a presentation on Dell for that same class. Well the plan was to meet with all our rough slides but still have everything we had researched and wanted to include. So here was me working fast all afternoon to get my ratio graphs done to have something to show at our meeting. However in the end, some team members hadn't even started and were just treating this as another meeting to go over who is doing what which has been clarified plenty of times!! We have to present next tuesday and meeting 2 more times over the weekend so we'll be fine in the end cos I know I have my part done. I'm just more annoyed cos I couldn't go out for dinner at the Japanese Steakhouse which sounded amazing! Cos I had said to Sam that I would be at least 40 mins with my group so just go ahead and eat...but turned out we only sat down for about 10.
Lesson of the day: Never rely on others and stop giving people the benefit of the doubt...gets you nowhere in life and spoils your own enjoyments in life!

Mini-rant over - and so onto more good things...
After cooking my nice oven meal of chicken goujons and chips...(not as good as a steak from the Japanese Steakhouse grrr!) we sniffed a whole load of scented pots. Haha! Nah but Hayley's mum works for a catalogue called 'Scentsys' which works in the same way as Avon. It's a wickless candle so it burns the scented blocks from a bulb thats plugged in. There were about 80 scentes to choose from so we had all the samples in small tubs so passed them round and noted which ones we liked. I had it narrowed down to about 30. Settled on 2 different scents as they were $5 each and they seem to last quite a while. Great idea for a xmas present! Then watched Glee before bed, the episode with Gywneth Paltrow, where they mention the Buckeyes yeaaaahhh :)


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