It's a party in the USA!

Spending my 3rd year of uni abroad in America at Ohio State University. This is just a little memoir of what I've been getting upto for those that are interested. Will try to keep it going but we will see after a month or so how that goes! Missing Edinburgh and everyone in it xxx

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Bomb threat
So I probably should have mentioned in yesterdays blog about there being a bomb threat on campus yesterday. 4 buildings were named in an anonymous tip off sent to the FBI in Washington. So those buildings were evacuated and police and everything there. I didn't get to campus til a few hours after the initial warnings but my class was still on as it was a little away from that area.
Had a good discussion about it in my homeland security class today since it's something relevant that happened close to home. Our teacher reckons that the fact that, even though no packages, etc were found and the buildings were re-opened later in the evening, if it were a student messing around as a prank then they would have named the person sending the tipoff. The fact that they haven't made our teacher think that it did come from someone meaning to do harm but this was just a test to see how the university and officials reacted in this scenario. Scary thought but no one really has been informed if there really was a serious intent behind it or if it was just a false claim and totally harmless...


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